15 FEBRUARY 2022 Remote mediation is far from distant Mediator Suzanne Kingston reflects on the impact of the pandemic on the work of mediators and the rapid move to online mediations . . . Read more Share this article Avoiding court Family and children law
28 JANUARY 2022 Lessons from my life as a mediator Suzanne Kingston, a mediator for 25 years, provides her tips for getting the most out of the mediation process . . . Share this article
POSTED BY ALISON BULL | 21 JANUARY 2022 What is med-arb? And could it be for me? Med-arb combines two forms of dispute resolution – mediation and arbitration. Alison Bull explains how using them together means you can maximise the benefits of both processes to reach an agreement quickly and cost-effectively . . . Share this article
POSTED BY TIM WHITNEY | 21 JANUARY 2022 How can mediation help couples discuss prenuptial agreements? Tim Whitney (Mills & Reeve) and Connie Atkinson (Kingsley Napley) are both mediators and members of a Family Law Agreements Group in which they share ideas and expertise in respect of pre and postnuptial and other family agreements. Together they explore the use of mediation for couples entering into a prenuptial agreement . . . Share this article
POSTED BY ALISON BULL | 20 JANUARY 2022 What is child inclusive mediation? Child Inclusive Mediation is an opportunity for children to have their voice heard in the mediation process . . . Share this article
POSTED BY ALISON BULL | 19 JANUARY 2022 Resolving complex and high conflict cases out of court: an introduction to “lawyer-assisted” or “hybrid” mediation (Part 2) Mediator Alison Bull explains how "lawyer-assisted" or "hybrid" mediation can be a great alternative to traditional family mediation for resolving complex or high-conflict family disputes . . . Share this article
POSTED BY ANDREW MOORE | 18 JANUARY 2022 My name is Andrew and I'm a family mediator Andrew Moore, solicitor, collaborative lawyer and mediator, reflects on his decision to train as a family mediator and the insight and experience it has given him . . . Share this article
POSTED BY ALISON BULL | 18 JANUARY 2022 Resolving complex and high conflict cases out of court: an introduction to “lawyer-assisted” or “hybrid” mediation (Part 1) Mediator Alison Bull explains how "lawyer-assisted" or "hybrid" mediation can be a great alternative to traditional family mediation for resolving complex or high-conflict family disputes . . . Share this article
POSTED BY NICOLA ROWLINGS | 17 JANUARY 2022 Family mediation voucher scheme is extended - again! On the first day of Family Mediation Awareness Week 2021 comes the news that the government is to invest a further £1.2million into the scheme that helps families access mediation . . . Share this article
POSTED BY ALISON BULL | 17 JANUARY 2022 What is family mediation? Have you heard about family mediation but are wondering what it actually means? Find out with the help of Caitlin Jenkins, FamilyLawVlogger . . . Share this article
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