Getting a divorce

We understand divorce...

Getting a divorce and how to cope

Getting a divorce is more often than not difficult and distressing. But whatever your situation and however complex the issues, we understand what's involved and are here to support and advise you.

The breakdown of a relationship will always be one of the most daunting life events imaginable. When you're separating from your partner, applying for a divorce or ending a civil partnership, so much needs to be considered and organised. You may be wondering how you are going to cope with it all and hold things together for your children or at work. But with the right advice and guidance you can move forward and look to the future with confidence. Our team of family and children lawyers will support you throughout the divorce process.

Starting divorce proceedings is not a step anyone takes lightly but, unless there are international or other complicating factors, once the decision has been made the divorce process itself is usually fairly straightforward. It's the fallout from the separation and divorce – especially the emotional upset, financial uncertainty and family upheaval – that makes the situation so complex and challenging.

When filing for divorce, having the right advisors during this time is key. Our team of divorce and children lawyers, mediators and collaborative practitioners have the experience to understand what you're going through and to listen to what matters to you. We have the training and professional expertise to work with you to find the best possible way forward.

How we can help

We can help you get to grips with all of the issues you're facing. We will explain the options open to you and the different approaches that can be taken so that together we can decide on the road ahead.

We can advise on:

  • Entitlement to divorce, civil partnership dissolution or annulment of marriage and the process and procedures that apply
  • How to apply for a divorce or dissolution, the ground for divorce, the relevance and timing of the different stages of the divorce process such as decree nisi (or conditional order) and decree absolute (or final order) and how to make sure you understand and protect your rights throughout
  • Arrangements for children, where they live and the time that they spend with each of you (this is still often described as "custody and access" or “residence and contact” although those legal terms haven't applied for many years in England and Wales)
  • The financial consequences of divorce and dissolution, including maintenance, property, savings, pensions, business assets and trusts
  • International aspects

Our divorce lawyers

Our family and children team is known for its commitment to reducing conflict. This is why all of our lawyers are members of family justice organisation Resolution. It's also why so many of us offer mediation and collaborative divorce as well as negotiation and court representation and arbitration.

Your divorce may be complex but, wherever possible, we will encourage agreement. Going to court for more than the divorce process itself is sometimes necessary but usually there's a better way. We know from experience that decisions you make for yourselves, supported by the advice we provide to ensure you're protected, are more likely to be effective and better for the family in the long term than those imposed on you by a judge in court who doesn't know you. If you do need an independent decision, arbitration offers a much more flexible, dignified and speedy process.

When it comes to preparing for divorce, we can help. Do you need guidance on how to file for divorce? Or do need to know more about how to get a divorce? No matter how simple or complex your needs are, talk to us today for divorce advice and support.


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