POSTED BY NICOLA ROWLINGS | 28 MAY 2021 Capital Gains Tax and Divorce The tax implications of a marriage breaking down may not be the first thought of many couples but it is an important financial consequence of deciding to separate and divorce. Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is probably the most significant tax to consider when negotiating and agreeing a financial settlement... Read more Share this article Businesses on divorce Family and children law Finances Getting a divorce International divorce
14 APRIL 2021 A judgment reminding parents what the family court expects from them following a separation Last month, in a long court judgment about three children (see here), a judge set out some reminders about the family court’s expectations of parents in respect of their ongoing behaviour towards one another post separation – this forms part of the exercise of their Parental Responsibility... Share this article
POSTED BY NICOLA ROWLINGS | 4 FEBRUARY 2021 The evolution of Dispute Resolution Suzanne Kingston, a consultant for Mills & Reeve, was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award in January from CityWealth Magic Circle Awards. In this blog she talks about how Dispute Resolution (often called DR by lawyers) has evolved over the years... Share this article
1 FEBRUARY 2021 What happens if parents can’t agree about their children having standard NHS vaccinations, or the coronavirus vaccine if children become eligible? Across the world, the roll out of the coronavirus vaccination continues apace, with priority being given to those who are most vulnerable, ie the elderly, those who are clinically extremely vulnerable and those who cannot self-isolate and are at increased risk of transmission, such as healthcare professionals... Share this article
POSTED BY ALISON BULL | 20 JANUARY 2021 Do I need a family lawyer or a family mediator? There is a misconception that people need to choose between mediation or legal advice. Sorting out a financial agreement and the arrangements for your children may be best achieved if you have a solicitor and a mediator who work together in one way or another... Share this article
13 NOVEMBER 2020 Report concerned with how to improve and broaden the services provided to families going through a separation Yesterday, the Family Solutions Group published a report, endorsed by Sir Andrew McFarlane, the president of the family court, entitled: “"What about Me?" Reframing Support for Families following Parental Separation.” So what does the report address, and what broad recommendations does it make?... Share this article
10 NOVEMBER 2020 Seeing your children within the new “second lockdown” Covid-19 restrictions It is no secret that arranging with your ex-partner to see your children can be difficult. Whether informally organised between the two of you or through a more formal court arrangement (eg a Child Arrangements Order), often the discussions and logistics around contact can cloud precious time with your children... Share this article
23 OCTOBER 2020 40 year anniversary for the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention On 25 October 2020, it will be 40 years since the creation of an international agreement known commonly as the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention (“Abduction Convention”)... Share this article
1 OCTOBER 2020 Judge reminds parents and their lawyers to choose court to resolve the arrangements for children only if no other option is appropriate… When you first separate from your child’s other parent, things may feel futile. It may be that you’ve argued intensively over a period of time, or that you’ve lived in parallel and grown apart, or of course many shades between. As a result, the very thought of being able reach amicable arrangements for your children’s future may seem inconceivable... Share this article
24 SEPTEMBER 2020 What is parenting coordination? In England, you are likely to be familiar with friends or family who have accessed a form of dispute resolution, such as mediation or collaborative law, as a means of obtaining professional support through their separation... Share this article
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