28 APRIL 2020 What constitutes a private fostering arrangement? If a child under the age of 16 (or under 18, if disabled) is cared for by a person who is not their parent or relative in that person’s home (and that person does not have parental responsibility for the child) for 28 days or more then this could amount to a private fostering arrangement... Read more Share this article Family and children law Putting children first
POSTED BY JOANNA GRANDFIELD | 21 APRIL 2020 Family law in a crisis - the impact on financial negotiations If you are currently going through a divorce and are in the process of negotiating a financial settlement, you would be wise to proceed with caution... Share this article
14 APRIL 2020 Parental responsibility and coronavirus – what does it all mean? Parental responsibility is a term that may be familiar, particularly to parents who have separated so that their children have two homes. But what does parental responsibility actually mean for parents during the Coronavirus pandemic?.. Share this article
14 APRIL 2020 Supporting children in uncertain times If your child, or a child you care for, is feeling anxious, and you’re not sure how to broach the subject of the continuing coronavirus pandemic with them, here are some resources we’re aware of that could help you to support your children... Share this article
POSTED BY SUE BROOKES | 6 APRIL 2020 If anything happens to me, what would happen to my children? With the increased risks of a global pandemic, we all need to think about worst case scenarios. Now is the time either to prepare a Will or to review and update your existing Will if you already have one. If you have children, you should also think about appointing a guardian... Share this article
2 APRIL 2020 My wedding is postponed due to Coronavirus - is my pre-nup still valid? Yet another unfortunate consequence of Coronavirus is that many weddings are having to be postponed. If you are in this situation, one of the practical points you will have to deal with is whether your pre-nuptial agreement will still be valid at the point that your wedding does take place... Share this article
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